Did you know that microtrauma to the urethra or the bladder are risk factors for the development of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)?1 Intermittent catheterization may increase the risk of creating microtrauma in the urethra and bladder, and this can potentially cause damage to the epithelial cells. A compromised bladder wall would give easier access for bacteria and therefore increase the likelihood of a UTI developing.2,3

How many IC users experience blood in the urine (hematuria)*?4

*Hematuria is considered a surrogate for microtrauma

How can you help your users minimize the risk of microtrauma in general?

1. Selecting the right catheter for your patient’s profile is key. Consider the coating properties of the catheter and how it may affect your patient. 5
Check-in with your patients if they have experienced hematuria or pain when catheterizing as that may indicate microtrauma. 5
Ensure patients are practicing the correct catheterization technique when catheterizing. 5