An Ulcerative Colitis diagnosis: an end users' perspective

15.02.2022 40 min

This podcast explores how a new ostomate adapts to a new diagnosis of living with an ostomy. Josh shares his experience in this first episode of a 4-part series.

Guest bio: Josh was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in November 2017. He was evaluated by Inflammatory Bowel Disease experts from Rochester Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota Medical Center. After failing maximum medical therapies, it was determined to surgically remove his colon in November 2018. In February 2019, the final surgery was completed making his ileostomy permanent. Since the decision to remove his colon, his health has returned, requires zero medication, no specialized diet, and no further complications from Ulcerative Colitis. He is a member of the United Ostomy Association of America and the Ostomy Association of the Minneapolis Area. He participated in the 2019 Ostomy Awareness Day 5K hosted by Coloplast and has participated in Coloplast sponsored events.