Curious about convexity

15.06.2022 19 min

In this episode* Terran Sims shares her contribution to the convexity consensus statement publication, the importance of post-operative convexity, and selecting the right product to meet the patients’ needs.

Guest bio: Terran Sims received her bachelor's from the University of Alabama and her master’s degree in Nursing as well as Acute Care Nurse Practitioner degree from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville Virginia. She also trained in the University of Virginia School of nursing WOC Certification program and is certified as an ostomy continence nurse. She currently works as an oncologic nurse practitioner in the Division of Urology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia. Her current focus is care of patients in the urology division that have urologic cancer, including bladder cancer and urinary diversions such as ileal conduit. Previously she worked with patients undergoing gastrointestinal oncologic surgery who had ileostomies and colostomies. She has recently participated in the Coloplast consensus project exploring the use of convexity pouching systems in the post-operative period. She has presented on the care of patients with bladder cancer and urinary diversions as well as published chapters in several textbooks, articles relating to urologic/oncologic patient care, and published articles in the Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing (JWOCN), most recently a case report regarding the use of telehealth for urostomy patient post-operative complications.

*Terran is interviewed by host and Coloplast employee Mackenzie Bauhs