Pouch type - Closed

Have no opening other than that which fits around the ostomy. Faeces needs to be well formed. Normally used for colostomies.

(Drainable - Users may still want the option to empty their pouch. For more information on drainable pouches, head to the Ileostomy section on previous page.)

Pouch type - One piece

A collecting pouch and adhesive together. The complete ostomy pouch is discarded after use and replaced with a new one.

Pouch type - Two piece

These consist of an adhesive flange which is separated from the collecting pouch. The pouch is secured to the flange and can be removed and replaced without removing the adhesive flange. Available in closed, drainable and tap as well as with different types of coupling.

2 piece


Convex pouches come as both one and two piece solutions and in a range of depths and levels of flexibility: soft, light and deep.

Convex Flip

Convex flip pouches have been specially developed for people with an outward body profile due to hernias, bulges and curves. The star-shaped baseplate is designed to hug the curved area with less creasing and folding.

convex flip