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Why should IC users care about hygiene procedures?
The basic importance of hand washing for the prevention of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) was well established by Semmelweis and Koch in the 19th century.1
EAUN guidelines strictly encourage no-touch techniques and several guidelines also underline that patients who self-catheterize should disinfect or wash hands thoroughly with water and soap before catheterization.2-5
In addition, genital and peritoneal cleaning is associated with reduced UTI rate as is self-catheterization compared to catheterization by others.6
Did you know?
Patients who self-catheterize should disinfect or wash their hands thoroughly with water and soap before catheterization.2
Clinical evidence
Many clinical studies have been conducted to compare self-catheterization with catheterization by others.6,8,9
Most studies found that the risk of UTIs was significantly reduced in the self-catheterizing group. 6,9
Tips for your patients on hygiene before and during catheterization:
- Disinfect or wash hands thoroughly with water and soap before catheterization.2-5
- Clean the genital and peritoneal areas before catheterization. 6
- If possible, use the no-touch technique when catheterizing. 10