Poor fluid intake is a risk factor for UTIs in neurogenic bladder disease. 1

Low fluid intake has been associated with an increase in urine osmolality and acidity, which may put individuals at risk of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).2

Did you know?

The release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which regulates fluid absorption in our body, is affected in the neurourological population?3

Lack of normal daily variation of ADH may constitute a risk of inadequate fluid retention.3  

Clinical evidence on fluid intake

Even though poor fluid intake is considered a UTI risk factor, the role of fluid intake for UTI prevention in neurourological patients is not firmly established in clinical evidence.2 However, general medical experience supports the intake of adequate amounts of fluids daily.4

A clinical study of non-neurogenic premenopausal women with recurrent UTIs showed that increased water intake prevents recurrent cystitis.4