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Understanding the link between voiding and UTIs
Infrequent voiding may result in overdistension of the bladder and increase the risk of UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections).1
A survey of Canadian spinal cord injury patients has shown that voiding frequency is inversely related to the number of UTIs. This means that lower the rate of catheterization, the higher the probability of UTIs, with one daily catheterization posing the highest risk.2
However, in a study of Paralympic athletes who catheterized 1 to 10 times per day, the frequency of daily catheterizations was not related to the frequency of UTIs.3
How often should IC users empty their bladder?
A 7-year prospective study showed that adult IC users should catheterize sufficiently often to ensure that the mean volume of each catheterization should be kept to <400 mL to minimise UTIs.4
It is recommended that IC users catheterize 4-6 times a day to ensure bladder volume remains within 300–500 ml to reduce the risk of UTIs.5
A quick tip for your patients
Remind IC users to catheterize about every 3-4 hours within the waking hours. This will help to ensure the bladder volume remains within 300–500 ml and help prevent UTIs.4,5