Providing the best possible care for your patients

You expect a lot from a foam dressing. It needs to be durable and simple to use; to prevent pressure injuries and provide optimal wound healing conditions. And most importantly, it should give you confidence that you’re providing the best possible care for your patients.


We've been listening.


That’s why our newest silicone foam dressing  was created to make life easier for people with wounds and the healthcare professionals who treat them.

Coming in early 2024, this new product is the next chapter in our 40-year  legacy of wound care innovation. And it’s specially designed to help acute care nurses with pressure injury prevention and wound treatment.

Evaluating your foam dressing options?

Fill out the form below and be the first to know about our newest and most innovative foam dressing.  


We'll send product details once it's available for evaluation in early 2024. Plus, we’ll also send you helpful educational information about wound care.

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By submitting the information on this form, you agree to be contacted and accept Coloplast's Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy